FIA, the Fashion Industry Association, is the fashion organization at the University of Southern California that aims to educate the student body about the fashion industry.
The FIA Fashion Show, hosted every year, is FIA’s largest spring semester event. FIA invites professional and student fashion designers to present their collections to the USC community. I am a member of the executive board for FIA, working as a graphic designer and helping with the marketing for this event. I strategized and designed different stickers and graphics for promoting the event.
I was going for an older, retro feel inspired by 70's magazine catalogues that utilized a lot of colors for the general design theme.

This first sticker design was made and placed around popular spots on campus to help create awareness and help promote the fashion show. It includes a QR code that led to the website where tickets were sold.

I also had the opportunity to design this graphic for a free NFT which was distributed to attendees at the event through a collaboration between FIA and Bitski, an NFT marketplace that aims to simplify creating, buying, and selling non-fungible tokens.

This was the official sticker graphic that I designed that was printed for the fashion show.

The rest of these are unused draft ideas that were eventually not selected.